李玉明 山西人民出版社
- 更新
- 分类
- 艺术类
- 9787203043799
- 作者
- 李玉明
- 出版社
- 山西人民出版社
- 语言
- 中文
- 年份
- 2001
- 页数
- 287
- 格式
- 大小
- 179.09 MB
- MD5
- 05FF7C0784D3D85D6A9847A0503237..
为了使人们对山西古建筑有个槪括的了解,山西省地名委员会和山西省古建筑保护硏究所将山西现存古建筑的精华汇编成册,定名为《山西古建筑通览》。这本画册,既有近期的彩色照片,又有简略的文字说明,读来引人入胜。一册书在手,便可通览山西古建筑之精粹,领略历代文明之秀美,赏心悦目,使人受益匪浅 。它既可成为学术界、建筑界及古建筑硏究者的助手,以利于对历史文物和古代建筑的保护硏究工作,使中国古代的建筑风格得以继承和发扬;也可成为旅游者和古建筑爱好者的益友,从中欣赏古建筑的风采,增长知识,陶冶情操。To give a panorama of ancient architecture in Shanxi, the Place Names Committee and Shanxi Research Institute of Ancient Architecture Protection in the province have compiled this fascinating album of photos of the best ancient buildings now extant in Shanxi under the name A Panorama of Ancient Architecture in Shanxi, with not only the latest color pictures, but also brief captions. With this in hand, one can have a good view of the best ancient buildings now extant in Shanxi and enjoy the beauty of ancient civilization. It is both pleasurable and instructive. lt can serve as an aid to the experts in academic work, civil engineering and ancient architecture for better protection and study of historical relics and ancient buildings so as to facilitate the inheritance and development of their admirable style and likewise a good friend to tourists of ancient architecture, to broaden the horizon of their knowledge and nourish a keen sense of exalted sentiments.