

For our Chrome browser users, this extension allows you to open your orders from atlantisweborder.com or orderdigitalsolutions.com with ATLANTIS 3D Editor version 2.0 and newer as standalone application from Chrome version 45 and newer that no longer support plugin.


[CRX] 凌风云网盘助手
凌风云网盘助手 插件
[CRX] Amplemarket
Allows Amplemarket to work from within your Gmail account. Reach out to support@amplemarket.com if you have any questions.
amplemarket.com 插件
[CRX] 标签自动刷新
设置您希望应用程序自动重新加载 Chrome 浏览器的时间
tab-auto-refresh 插件
[CRX] VideoMirror
Video mirror (left-to-right) on any page (including Zoom, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Google Meet, etc.)
videomirror 插件
[CRX] Resourcify
Free access to 100's of teacher-created resources for IM 6-8 Math.
resourcify.lessoneer.com 插件
[CRX] Studio Desktop App Chrome Extension
Connect to the Studio Desktop App, used for directly opening files for editing with WoodWing Studio.
www.woodwing.com 插件
[CRX] My New Tab
Improve your new tab experience!
newtab.cc 插件
[CRX] iCargo Print Extension
Extension for calling the native print executable
icargo-print-extension 插件
[CRX] hide.me Proxy
Unblock any website with hide.me Proxy!
hide.me 插件
[CRX] Bandcamp Enhancement Suite
Provides extra functionality for Bandcamp
bandcamp-enhancement-suit 插件
[CRX] Auto Vote Rating
Automatic voting on ratings for projects or servers (gaming)
auto-vote-rating 插件
[CRX] Google Chrome™在线记事本
online-notepad 插件
[CRX] B.Point Saas Chrome Extension
Integrazione del client di B.Point Saas per Chrome in ambiente Windows.
secure.bpointsaas.it 插件
[CRX] TRF2 Download Manager
Realiza o download de diversos arquivos simultaneamente, além de apresentar o percentual de completude.
trf2-download-manager 插件
[CRX] Amazon ASIN Checker tool by AMZ Online Arbitrage
The best free ASIN checker tool identifies if a product or ASIN is restricted or not. Ideal for your Amazon product research.
amzonlinearbitrage.com 插件
[CRX] VideoAdBlocker
Free adblocker against advertising and pop-ups, for youtube and other popular video websites
videoadblocker 插件
[CRX] OSI: Servicio AntiBotnet
Servicio de la OSI que notifica amenazas relacionadas con botnets que se puedan estar produciendo desde tu conexión a Internet.
osi-servicio-antibotnet 插件
[CRX] Video Play Speed
Easily change the playback speed of videos in your browser: right-click a video, click Video Play Speed, and then choose your speed.
video-play-speed 插件
[CRX] Selling.com
Selling.com Chrome Extension. B2B contact info - find validated emails and mobile phones of 200M+ decision-makers.
selling.com 插件
[CRX] YouAd Skipper
Sample Chrome Extension
youad-skipper 插件
[CRX] Random Number Generator
A random number generator. Type in maximum and minimum parameters and watch as the gods of computer programming convene.
random-number-generator 插件
[CRX] Faceit Stats by Eloking
Faceit Stats by Eloking is a Google Chrome extension that displays a users stats on FACEIT on their Steam profile.
eloking.com 插件
[CRX] Website to PDF
Convert entire website to PDF file
website-to-pdf 插件
[CRX] Liquidware Browser Monitor
Liquidware's Stratusphere™ UX browser monitor
liquidware-browser-monito 插件
[CRX] Omni Convert - Search Settings for Omnibar
Omni Convert - Search Settings for Omnibar.
clipconverter.site 插件
[CRX] Adblock Must Go On
Ad Blocker Add-on - Extension who removes the advise that obligates to pause Adblock
adblock-must-go-on 插件
[CRX] Payscore
Integrate automated income verification into your property management software
payscore.com 插件
[CRX] Scroll Capture
Record your websites and automate scrolling and mouse actions for your portfolio screen captures.
scroll-capture 插件
[CRX] Techloq
Users of Techloq Parental Control Software can easily login/logout of their personal Techloq filter profile and request filter…
www.techloq.com 插件
[CRX] Planapple Save Button
Use the Planapple extension to save pages to your current trip on Planapple.
planapple.com 插件
