

Image Downloader is an extension that lets you easily find and download all images on a website to a single ZIP file.

Simply click on the toolbar button to open the app interface (in a new tab). Within the interface, you can see the list of fetched images for the current tab. To open the UI in the toolbar popup, please right click on the toolbar button and then mark the – Open in popup – checkbox. On the left side, you can see the list of available options. To download images to your computer, please select an image(s) and then click on the download button on the top-left corner.

Please note that the download location is the default location in your browser. Moreover, for each step, a desktop notification will show up containing information about the current state.

If you have a bug report or a feature request, please fill the bug report form on the add-on’s homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/download-all-images.html).


[CRX] Multi Sözlük
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[CRX] Spanish Immersion Homepage
Turn your New Tab page Spanish to cultivate a productive web-browsing habit and learn faster.
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[CRX] PC Matic
一款高效的网络请求过滤工具,占用极低的内存和 CPU。
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[CRX] ContextDeleter
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[CRX] QuickDrag for Chrome
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[CRX] Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal Plugin
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[CRX] Bloomberg Terminal: Clip to NOTE
Capture web content into NOTE on the Bloomberg Terminal
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[CRX] Web Messenger
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[CRX] Protractor
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[CRX] Chrometana Pro - Redirect Cortana and Bing
Force Windows 10 and Cortana to use Google Chrome and your favorite search engine instead of Bing!
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[CRX] JIRA Template Injector
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[CRX] 计算器
一个简单直观的计算器,可帮助您完成工作。 直接在网站页面上打开
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[CRX] Dealer Inspire Conversations - Notifications
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dealerinspire.com 插件
[CRX] Cookie AutoDelete
掌控你的 Cookie!关闭标签页后自动删除未想保留的 Cookie。您可以设置想要保留的白名单。
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[CRX] Clear History
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[CRX] Google Chrome™的阅读器视图
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[CRX] Printix
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[CRX] FoxFilter - The content filter!
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[CRX] Mojito - Mint with a kick...
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[CRX] Showpad for Gmail
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[CRX] Mega-Debrid Browser Extension
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[CRX] PowerSchool Grade Calculator
An extension that will automatically calculate your grades for powerschool and print them on the page next to your letter grade.
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[CRX] Amazon Index Checker
Free keyword ranking & index check tool by SellerApp - The most accurate seller tool for all amazon market places.
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[CRX] AMZ Suggestion Expander
Chrome extension to expand the number of search suggestions that are shown in the Amazon search bar.
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[CRX] Short Gmail Labels
Shorten your Gmail labels so parent labels are not displayed.
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[CRX] Alternative greek keyboard layouts
Adds monotonic Dvorak, polytonic and polytonic Dvorak keyboard layouts for ChromeOS.
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[CRX] Tab Auto Refresh
Automatically refresh tabs based on custom time intervals
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[CRX] XML查看器
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[CRX] Twitch Chat Overhaul
Change font size, message spacing, and make chat easier to read. Especially if you're streaming
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[CRX] MultiWindow Positioner
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